Thursday, September 20, 2007

Carole Migden really is insane. As predicted, I've gotten hits not only from the Senate of California, but the Legislative Data Center. Also, I noticed that one of my postings was emailed to someone else -- this may or may not be Migden-related.

Adam did an evil, evil thing when he put this SiteMeter on my web pages. As he says, I tend to be a shit disturber, and if you're looking at what I write and I don't like you (and odds are that if you're driving like a fucking lunatic and then act as though you're entitled because by some stroke of ungodly luck, you are a state legislator), I will continue to needle you, because really, it's the limit to what I can do. Unfortunate, but true.

Of course, I'm sure I'm not the only one in the blogosphere talking about how Carole Migden is a raving lunatic who should retire from so-called public leadership and just drool quietly for the rest of her days. Sucks for you, huh?

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