Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dead Man Camping

I've gotta go with the lede on this one. Sean Penn hits some good moments on "Into the Wild", but overall the cult of Penn pretension (or, as Adam puts it, reading from the book of Sean Penn 3:18) wore thin after nearly two and a half hours. Also, I can't say the main character was too endearing, or that I gave a damn that he gave up a $24K trust fund to go rough it and eventually croak from poison berries. Sorry for the spoiler. Also, here's a great rebuttal of the "Cult of Chris McCandless (main character)" by a park ranger. That's one guy who should know!

Could be worse. I could've been seeing Brokeback Mountain with Adam. Again. What a disaster that was. He took inspiration from Cartman's assertion that "independent films are always about gay cowboys eating pudding" -- and every time a climactic moment arose, he wanted to know if it was time for dessert. Beautiful.

1 comment:

Kathy@TheFlawlessWord said...

You know, I think Krauker is a great writer (Into Thin Air is one of my all-time favorite reads) but the book didn't really cut it either. Not one of his greater efforts, so I'm not surprised about the movie. I will probably watch it someday though.