Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More on Prop 8

I've been debating this one with a friend who has very different views than me. He believes that the defeat of Prop 8 will hurt children, who will be brainwashed by schools imposing a new definition of marriage.

As a child, I had one definition of marriage imposed on me. If I were a lesbian, I would've grown up thinking I wouldn't be able to marry the person I love. How is that not brainwashing?

Oh yeah, and for the record: As a child, I can't imagine I would be hurt by the idea of same-sex unions. What did hurt me was the continued turmoil between my heterosexual parents, up to and including domestic violence that got so bad the police had to be called and my father escorted off the property. Trust me, that kind of shit damages kids a hell of a lot more than knowing that gays and lesbians can be wed.

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