Monday, June 24, 2024

From my new project

I'm 27 years old, and I'm lost without a path. I can't find the Czech Republic on a map. I still think it's twinned with Slovakia. I've barely heard of the Velvet Divorce.

My point is that I'm running. Fast and far, as rapidly as my stumpy legs can take me. And I've just hit a dead end that resounds globally. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

And now it's summer

I like summer. I like the slow pace and the it's-okay-do-it-later attitude. Things seem quieter, more chill, and that's because they are. Baz is doing the summer things: summer school, camps, and so on. We went to the Alameda County Fair yesterday in Pleasanton. It was cute as hell and he loved it. Very cool.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Boys are out of town

They're in Southern California. I'm home. It's quiet. Not too quiet, just quiet enough. It brings me back to living on my own, to what that was like. No one to answer to. Nobody to come home to. 

Advantages, disadvantages. We all exist in the in-between.