Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Today's writing

We saw more of him. That was the first indication of trouble. Up until he turned 14, he was always with his friends or in his room, texting, phoning, Snapchatting, whatever. We chose not to put too many rules or restrictions on him. Boundaries, sure. No swearing at us, no disappearing, no violence. Grades had to be at a certain level, absences at a particular low. But other than that, we lived and let live, and he didn’t seem to abuse it.

Then again, what did we know? Maybe he was kicking puppies on the way to school, smoking weed in the locker room before PE. Could be that he flicked boogers at his teachers behind their backs, put kick-me signs on the coats that hung over their chairs. Possibly he was just Jax, and what we knew of him was less than we believed we did.


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