Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This just popped into my head

In another life, one I hope not to revisit, I had a serious career slump. I rock-hopped from job to job in vain hopes of paying the rent.

That was before I really realized the value of my writing, and before I made freelancing a career rather than a hope.

One of my jobs was at a Jewish nonprofit, working directly with a well-known Israeli entertainer.

He treated me like dirt. He acted as though I were lower than the low. He would try out his comedy routines on me and they were so unfunny that I wanted to spit in his face.

Flash forward a few years. I'm in New York at the FRIGID festival. Sophie called me and said: "I saw (Israeli entertainer) at Peets. He was monologuing at a bunch of people."

Some people never change. I'm glad I did.

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