Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nice one, Violet

I don't always get into Violet Blue, but I loved her Burning Man column. I'd really rather lick a live wire than attend this retarded event. I remember my old friend David totally pissing off a party full of hipster lesbians by talking about how much he hated Burning Man and would never, ever attend. This black guy who looked like Lenny Kravitz, sitting there with his sunglasses on and a neutrally amused look on his face, making all these dykes so raving mad. It was priceless.

Of course, this is the same guy who dressed as a KKK member at Halloween (and was very proud of the blood on the bedsheet he wore as a costume -- yeah, he got the shit kicked out of him, all Fight Club-ish) and attended only one BGESS meeting before he pissed them all off enough to stop inviting him (he wore his sunglasses and sat in the back, not participating in the least), so it was par for his course.

He also is one the smartest people I ever met and, oddly, one of the most down to earth.

I miss David. He's a true original. Doesn't kowtow to anyone and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I like that.

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