Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Turnabout is fair play

If our extremely recent experience in the rental market has shown me anything, it's that shit is going down for landlords right now. Rents are dropping hardcore. Things are staying on the market longer. Things are balancing out, and it's about damn time.

I cry no tears for Bay Area landlords. Y'all have taken advantage far too long, guys. And you're still trying. I mean, check out this listing. Twenty-four hundred big ones a month for an apartment where an estimated six hours a day you hear little brats running around upstairs like *as the ad says* elephants, and all day on weekends. Moreover, you can't work away from home if you have a dog, because they want proof that said dog is not left home alone all day, so guess what? You get to deal with the elephants on your head. Again, for $2400 a month.

No wonder we came so close to leaving the Bay Area. But I think -- hope -- things are improving.

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