Saturday, December 29, 2018

Stolen from Facebook, put on the blog

1. Favorite smell - Your mom
2. Last time I cried - A week or so ago, waxing nostalgic about the old place
3. Favorite pizza - Chicago or NYC style. Give me Zachary's or give me death.
4. Favorite Flower - Your mom.
5. Favorite dog breed - The ones with paws.
7. Roller Coaster - Oh, hell yes.
8. Favorite ice cream - Peanut butter and chocolate from John's Dollar, pumpkin from Trader Joe's, but Adam hates pumpkin, so I rarely get it because he hates me too
9. Pet peeve - Boring peeps. Like your mom.
10. Shorts or jeans- These days, skirts.
12. Color of your vehicles - "Happy Red! Tomato Red!" as a friend said last night.
13 Color of eyes - Hazel
14. Favorite food - Italian. Your mom. Am I annoying you yet?
15. Favorite Holiday- Thanksgiving
16. Night owl or morning : Both. I don't sleep a lot.
17. Favorite day of the week - Each and every one, dude.
18. Do you have a nick name? Farmer Bitch. Igles when I was younger, and now when I'm tortured.
19. Favorite music - Kooky shit.
20. Tattoos - None ... yet.

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