Sunday, September 27, 2020

Today's writing

Meanwhile the cat’s cradle that is your home continues to ensnare you in its own web. Two dogs, one kid. A husband who recoils from your anger, your fury. Why, he wants to know. Why, when you have so much? Why, when there’s so much love to fill these two bedrooms, the kitchen, the living room, spilling out into the large front yard with its dead and dying grass? You go out there with a cigarette, hating yourself for taking in the poison. Breathe in, let out. Death meditation.

You train yourself to let go. You listen to dharma talks on the subject. The ways in which we suffer because we hold on, we cling, we resist. You start by loosening the grip on the cigarette. It falls, tumbles to the wood base of the fence. Smolders. Set it afire. Let it go. Run away. You stamp it out instead.

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