Saturday, December 26, 2020

Nadia Bolz-Weber on Christmas

So I am delighted to finally say Merry Christmas, because we could use some good news of great joy for all the people right about now.

And I believe that the Christ child is always born where he is most needed, where he is most cherished, where he is most potent. So wherever in your life you need this babe – that is always where he is to be found. 

Whoever listening right now who needs this baby…

It is unto you a child is born.

Unto you.

Unto you the mother without her own children.

Unto you an addict who can’t keep clean.

Unto you the survivor.

Unto you who can’t lose it because you have to keep it together for everyone else.

Unto you the bullied kid.

Unto you whose family never got you.

Unto you who lost your parents this year.

Unto you who doesn't know how in the world you can keep going.

Unto you.

Unto you a child is born. And also unto me. 

And also unto me and all who already smell of sheep and grass a dirt. 

Because the Christ child is always born wherever he is most needed. Wherever a soul needs to feel it’s worth.

Merry Christmas, family.


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