Thursday, April 16, 2009

Birthdays and beams of light

A very happy birthday tomorrow to the indominatable Irreverent Freelancer, Kathy Kehrli! I'm wishing you a wonderful one!

On a totally different note, I found myself talking to Adam yesterday about people who I envision as revolving lighthouses. They put out beams of light as they go around, and sometimes you get caught in that beam. You feel the center of their attention, the focus of their affection ... and then they turn and move on.

That's how I feel when a friend who's been out of the picture for months comes back in and is very insistent on sharing time. Actually, this is two different friends ... one a longtime friend, one who I've known for a year. Both people who drew me at one point in time, but I'm not so sure today. It's only a matter of time until your light will fail me.