Monday, April 27, 2009

Sometimes you don't get what you want

I've looked for too long -- and with little to no success -- for my father's approval. I know this logically and am waiting to truly learn it emotionally.

Today I told him about Kimmel Harding. His response over email:


Have fun.


I guess I should be grateful. He could've lectured me about going in tornado season and why would I ever want to see Nebraska again anyway? He breaks down ideas and dreams, criticizes them until you just want to run and hide. Ask me how I know.

Maybe "have fun" is the best he can do.


Sean Craven said...

I think I may have mentioned this to you before -- I'll take a chance on repeating myself, since it bears repeating.

There's a great Thai proverb that seems to apply here. If you're doing something really good for an audience that just ain't gonna get it?

You're fiddling for water buffalo.

Hate to say it but your arena of achievement just doesn't seem to overlap your dad's Venn diagram of knowledge or interest. You're fiddling for water buffalo.

Allison Landa said...

Yeah, and I'm neither a fiddler nor a nature girl. Time for me to shift perspective on this one ... or work on it, at any rate.