Monday, October 1, 2007

"I don’t know about the milk issue, but giving extra time on exams for these conditions is problematic for two reasons: 1- Law school exams are essentially a race against the clock. With enough time, anyone can get all the answers, but we only get 3 hours. Exams are graded on a strict curve, so the extra time gives ADD person an easy A while taking an A from someone who deserves it. 2- Clients are harmed - will my ADD lawyer get extra time to file a motion? Will my ADD doctor get more time to remove my appendix before it bursts? These people should get a big asterisk on their license so we can know who to avoid.
Comment by Anon Atty - September 27, 2007 at 10:03 am"

On the breastfeeding med student who needed more time to take her test.

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