Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm writing this from Playa, an artist residency in Summer Lake, Oregon. I'm here for two weeks and I'm thrilled! Below is some writing I've done in the residents' notebook for my cabin. This place is great!

October 7, 2013

Hello, Playa … breaking in my cabin with Marvin Gaye, a fire and Trader Joe’s Crisp Rice Cereal. I haven’t really unpacked yet, but I felt compelled to write. I fell in love with this place the moment I got here, missing the driveway and backing up in the middle of Highway 31. Rachel greeted me with a huge smile. Turns out she lived in Berkeley for 14 years. No wonder I like her!

I admit it helps to have cell reception and interent on my phone. That reassured me. I had a feeling this was going to be a learning experience for me and I think I will be proven right. I was worried about coming here, the fear of isolation. Right now I don’t feel that fear. I feel this is a gift, a gift of two weeks.

Worries. They are (mostly) of the practical kind, particularly my wayward dogs. Will they drive the sitter nuts? Why do I think only I can take proper care of them? More later – it’s naptime …


Listening to Carly Simon, trying to balance the pain with the beauty in the world. If you have an answer, please let me know.

October 8, 2013

Good morning, Playa! Writing this outside in 21-degree weather (according to my phone – it feels more like 22), bathed in the light of sunrise. It’s 7:20 a.m. and I’ve been up for almost an hour. Coffee, birdsong and the sound of cars on Highway 31. Not nearly as remote-feeling as I’d feared.

Okay, back inside. It was cold. This is more journaling than I’ve done in a while. It’s nice to know people will be reading my words. I was outside earlier thinking people idealize nature. Who says the ducks aren’t on Waterfowl Wellbutrin? Maybe I’m just hopeful that we aren’t the only crazy species. There was a duck that flew into the lake and I just watched the concentric circles as it splashed.

Listening to my music on the computer … “Jump” by Van Halen. I heard this on the way up (thank you, Adam, for the FM transmitter!) and it made me so happy. The little things are big t hings.

Everyone here has pets! So awesome. I really like the people here. We had dinner last night and conversation was so easy. If you’re reading this, Playa staff … THANK YOU!

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