Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Today's writing

Damian. Let’s just talk about Damian for a minute. Gray eyes and that smile. Oh God, that smile. A crooked thing, demon and angel all wrapped up into one. Dimple in the chin. Hair that looked good messy. Hands that knew how to work, to make me forget that he belonged to someone else. I tried to convince myself that he belonged to no one but himself, that he made the choices he made, that there was no reason for guilt. Tried to convince myself and failed roundly. There was Joyce. There would always be Joyce. Even if he left her right then and damn there, there would always be her memory, always be the fact that she came first. She held his hand first, kissed him first. He made love to her before he ever made love to me.

Me, I was that dog at the shelter, waiting. Waiting for someone to come for me. Behind bars, watching. Who would unlock the cage, take me with them? Who would give me a home? Who would feed me, shelter me, care for me?

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