Friday, June 1, 2007

ROWE and the old library job

I graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 1996. After graduation, I went from working as a student assistant (for the best boss EVER ... I still call her my Santa Barbara mom) to working as the Cataloging department secretary.

It was horrible.

You weren't supposed to talk to your coworkers about anything but business. You were expected to be at your desk four hours in the morning, four hours in the afternoon, a prompt half hour for lunch, don't think about coming back late. I sat directly across from my boss -- and her office had a large glass window facing me.

It was an incredibly regimented, angry work environment. Six months into it I blew my cork and took a journalism job in Nebraska.

What would the library do with ROWE? Short for "Results Only Work Environment", ROWE means you can show up at the office at 2 pm, or leave at 2 pm, or not show up at all. Technology allows workers to get things done -- wherever and however works best for them.

How have I not heard of this before?

Would ROWE work at the library? I don't know the ins and outs of plugging remote workers into the library's proprietary database system, but I'm betting it's worth a try.

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