Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Speakeasy Stories

I'm kinda bummed about not performing there as planned on June 21. It was just totaling up to be too expensive. Sherry Weaver, who booked me while I was in NYC in March, was sweet enough to let me know I could perform the next time I'm in NYC, so it's not a total writeoff by any stretch. Also, Hanh is going to be in town and Gourhan's having a dinner for her, and I wouldn't have been able to attend if I were in NYC.

Still ... sigh. But hey. It'll happen.

In other storytelling news, I saw Mike Daisey and his wife being interviewed (I think?) at Au Coquelet yesterday. I thought about stopping by and saying: "Hey, we've exchanged emails, looking forward to seeing you perform later in the week", but decided to let them be. Still, it was funny walking into the cafe and recognizing him!

I'm pretty much taking today off to go to Santa Cruz to hear Ellen Bass read. I love her work.

Lastly, I was amused by this article. It's been well documented that many brides are completely frigging insane. Then again, there's the other side of the argument: the people who insist on engaging (so to speak) with these bridezillas and then stressing about it. Ignore them, folks, they'll go away. As for me, I'm still wishing I could do it at Voodoo.


Hell yeah. Donuts and coffee for 10 ... for $175! Oh, HELL yeah!

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