Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Coddling of the American Mind

I highly recommend this book by Greg Lukianoff and Jon Haidt, particularly in these times. It's a fresh look at a society that has gone extreme in certain ways. I'm getting through it slowly, but I'm getting through it nonetheless. An excerpt:

Avoiding triggers is a symptom of PTSD, not a treatment for it. According to Richard McNally, the director of clinical training in Harvard's Department of Psychology: Trigger warnings are counter-therapeutic because they encourage avoidance of reminders of trauma, and avoidance maintains PTSD. Severe emotional reactions triggered by course material are a signal that students need to prioritize their mental health and obtain evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral therapies that will help them overcome PTSD. These therapies involve gradual, systematic exposure to traumatic memories until their capacity to trigger distress diminishes.

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