Friday, August 1, 2008

I love straight talkers

From a Chron story about Omeed Popal, the nutcase who ran over a slew of people in San Francisco two years ago. Doctors concluded he was too crazy to know what he was doing, but some people disagree:

Mike Mahoney, the now-retired San Francisco police inspector who investigated the case, scoffed at the insanity argument.

"He knew exactly what he did. He told me exactly what he did," Mahoney said.

The most seriously injured of Popal's victims in San Francisco, massage therapist Susan Rajic, was paralyzed from the neck down when she was struck near her home at Laurel and California streets. Mahoney said he would like to bring her before a judge and "let the court see what the hell he did. She has a life sentence to a wheelchair."

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