Monday, March 9, 2009


In no specific order, but for a very specific reason:

1) YouTube. With a few key clicks, I can zap myself back to any era, including (to Adam's chagrin) every song I loved when I was six.

2) Cafes. I do most of my work in these places. For the cost of a cup of coffee, a cookie, a salad, I have comfortable and friendly office space.

3) Headphones. For when people in cafes don't respect that comfortable and friendly shared office space.

4) Coverage. Health care, car insurance. The foresight -- finally -- and means to obtain those.

5) Being born where I was born, at the time I was born, in the place I was born. 98 percent of my accomplishments stem from this luck.

6) Love. No list would be complete without it.

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