Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hurts so good

I fucked up my leg on the elliptical yesterday. I was thinking about the addition to The Project and I just got so furious -- in a good, cleansing way -- that I worked my ass off. My leg too, apparently. I think there's some sort of nerve thing going on -- it hurts from my hip to my foot.

Am I going to walk the lake today? You fucking bet. I still have a lot of anger to burn off. I think this is going to be a good addition, provided I don't strangle several bunny rabbits along the way.


Sean Craven said...

Allison, be careful about this. When you say that you hurt from hip to foot this sounds a lot like sciatica -- which is a back issue, not a leg issue. Pay attention and don't be shy about seeing a doctor.

Not trying to hex you here. I'm just letting you know that this is something with which to be careful.

Allison Landa said...

Hey dude, I inadvertently took your advice -- no walk for me today, just a good session with the heating pad. Thanks for showing the concern that -- for a while, anyway -- I wasn't showing myself. It feels much better, but I won't mess, trust me.

robp said...

Sure, with your body there could be some concern, but with your writing discomfort is a good thing, and while it may not be the best way to deal with your physical condition it's absolutely the best way to approach your writing. The Captain Kirk as idiot approach: we may get killed but it's the best way to learn about the aliens.

Allison Landa said...

I've pretty much been bathing in discomfort vis-a-vis my writing over the last few years. I hope it shows because sometimes it's a giant pain in my ass, or hip, as it were.