Friday, September 25, 2009

Moving on

Tomorrow is my last day at MacDowell. Really, today is my last full day -- tomorrow I will have breakfast, hop in my rental car, and motor down the scenic route to Boston.

Every song on Pandora seems to be about change, about leaving, about packing up and heading out. The weather provides an excellent chorus: windy, chillier than during my entire residency. The leaves are changing, the sky blue in that way that tells you fall has arrived, winter hard on its heels.

At MacDowell I have found new ways of crying, laughing, and thinking. I'm working on perfecting my Ping-Pong strategy. I've lit several short-lived fires and will try again tonight, late, after drinks, one last time. I have felt both isolated and understood. I danced in the very library where I sit now, shaking my ass to Michael Jackson, watching everyone around me just be themselves, there, just for that moment.

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